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Importance of having a mobile responsive business website.

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Importance of having a mobile responsive business website.

On December 19, 2015, Posted by , In Business Help, By , With Comments Off on Importance of having a mobile responsive business website.

Today, tablets, and Smartphones are the common gadgets connecting people to the internet. The mobile phones have become so popular that they overtook desktop browsers as the platform for accessing websites. With the proliferation of smartphones comes changes in website designs to ensure that they are mobile responsive. Factors such as screen size, touch vs. click, pixel resolution, optimized markup and support for adobe’s flash technology has become critical in designing the mobile phone responsive websites. As an owner of a website that needs a high page ranking on major search engines, you cannot overlook the importance of having a mobile responsive website.

A mobile responsive website is one that is easy to read, navigate, scroll, and minimize from your desktop and mobile phone. We have highly qualified designers that would ensure that your site has the navigation elements, text, images, screen layouts, UI elements, and audio/video players. The essence is to improve the user experience on mobile phones and computers desktops. It, therefore, means that you would not need to spend extra money on creating a desktop site version and a mobile site version.